A report on the project “An Assistance for the President’s Administration in development a model of public administration for the new government”
The developed recommendations on introduction of the modern approaches in building a model of public administration in Kyrgyzstan as a state with parliamentary form of government.
APPENDIX 1. Work plan of the project
APPENDIX 2. A table of the parties’ programs on the systems of the state government
APPENDIX 3. The Results of the international experience analysis
APPENDIX 4. The results of the interviews
APPENDIX 5. A table of proposals and recommendations
APPENDIX 6. Application forms
APPENDIX 7. List of the main products of the state authorities
APPENDIX 8. Recommendations for a common understanding of definitions used in public administration
APPENDIX 9. A table of powers redistribution between all branches of the government due to the adoption of the new Constitution
APPENDIX 9.1. Comparative analysis of the competencies of the public authorities on the basis of old and new versions of the Constitution
APPENDIX 10. Recommendations for the powers redistribution of the state bodies
APPENDIX 11. Recommendations for new scheme of public administration
APPENDIX 12. The concept of introducing parliamentary model of governance in the executive authorities of the Kyrgyz Republic
APPENDIX 13. The list of the normative legal acts to be changed, and general advice on the legislation adaptation
APPENDIX 14. The general model of management in organizational structures and rules of interaction
APPENDIX 15. Plan of actions to implement the new model of governance
APPENDIX 16. Proposals to regulate the processes of interaction of the state administration bodies of the President of KR, Jogorku Kenesh of the KR, and Government of the KR
APPENDIX 17. Projects of the branches of the government on support and coordination
APPENDIX 18. Proposals on the structure of the new Government
APPENDIX 19. Proposals cooperation with the civil society
APPENDIX 20. Recommendations for a new model of the institute of state secretaries
APPENDIX 21. Recommendations for the establishment of Civil Service Fund
APPENDIX 22. Presentation for the Provisional Government
APPENDIX 23. Materials of the Roundtable on the discussion of the generated models of the public administration
APPENDIX 24. List of meetings